Whew Chile when I tell you this year has been a lot I mean boy has it been a lot and we are just creeping into second quarter. What I can say is it has been filled with nothing but lessons. Lessons I didn't think I needed but God knew I needed and for that I can say this year is already off to a great start. I mean if you aren't learning then what are you really doing with your life?? Some lessons don't always feel good in the beginning but in the end you will look back and smile like yeahhhhhhhh he knew what he was doing lol. One lesson that I learned so far is to KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT & STOP TELLING PEOPLE MORE THAN THEY NEED TO KNOW.

So stay tuned for my True Hollywood Story because boy is it going to be a good one...


My name is Rayven Nicole and I like to tell stories in a interesting way and one thing I did start this year that has been my biggest joy is my interview series: On The Rocks With Roxxy. Stay tuned for more but also be patient with the kid I'm doing a lot of learning and growing. 


How has your year been so far? Drop a comment below!! 





I was definitely born in the wrong generation. With all the dope music out I still find myself veering off to the 90's & early 2000s to get my vibe right. Here's a little throwback Thursday playlist to get your day rocking. Whats on your throwback Thursday playlist? Are you team old school or team new school?

Let me know if you feeling it or nahhhh. 

